
Quick Vegan Bites - Healthy Snack

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Pictured above are my super tasty, super quick bird watchers bites. I’ve modified an old recipe to suit a vegan lifestyle (which I’m currently trying to implement in my own day to day life).

These bites are perfect for mid mornings, afternoons or even after the gym!

The recipe requires 
* 100g margarine (any better vegan butter substitutes please let me know!)
* 100g sugar
* 1 banana (or an egg for non vegans)
* 2 tbsp vanilla extract 
* 0.5 apple diced
* 50g decimated almonds or coconuts 
* 50g sunflower seeds
* 50g raisins
* 175g oats
* 140g brown flour
* 0.75 tbsps baking powder

1. Preheat your oven to 190 degrees Celsius 
2. Grease and line a baking tray

Let’s go!
3. Cream together butter and sugar
4. Add the banana and vanilla extract, beat together.
5. Stir in the almonds and seeds adding the diced apple as you go.
6. In a new bowl, mix the oats, flour, baking powder and raisins. 
7. Add to the butter mixture.
8. Form into small spheres, approx 2.5cm
9. Bake in preheated oven for 10-15 mins depending on your oven. 
10. Cool on a wire rack!


February Style Guide

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Ever since working in London my warbrobe has become a big focus of mine. I fully blame the London girls with their constant source of daily style inspo. London girls are so damn trendy. 

I loooove Asos, so much so that I check it hourly on most days.. that’s okay, right?

As a new monthly feature on my blog I’m sharing with you my wardrobe planning. Like the majority of people I can’t afford to just splash the cash on whatever I fancy.. especially when my Asos saved basket holds over 100 items (126 to be precise). So instead, I plan. I outfit plan in an attempt to stay on budget and on task. Gone are the days of impulsive purchasing that you regret 3 weeks later. 

So the key word for today.. STAPLE, STAPLE, STAPLE. 

Have no fear ladies.. all items are linked below. Oh happppy days. 

Black boho top -
Black short sleeve off the shoulder top -
Black suede jacket -

Blue denim skirt -
Black tshirt maxi dress -
White smock dress -

Another great way to get inspo is by screenshotting looks you love and uploading them to the Asos Source feature which helps find similar pieces. 

For example, you’re browsing Pinterest for style inspo. You fall in love with a black shirt dress and you just have to have one.

Screenshot, upload the image, reposition and VOILA! 

** full disclaimer ** all links are affiliate. This does not influence my opinion on the products linked above! xx

Duac survival kit- the guide to getting better skin.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Happy new year people! 

New year.. better skin? Since working in the city my skin has taken a battering. I’ve been lucky throughout my whole teenagehood to avoid acne prone skin but the last 6 months it’s gotten progressively worse. 

I had a small blip of teenage acne when I was in my early teens (16 or so) and I used duac 3% and it was incredible. Sorted my skin within days.. however, I kept on using it whenever I got any sort of spot till I was about 18 and eventually it lost its powers. Sudocreme was my friend during those days, as like I said, my skin was far from terrible. 

I decided to go back to the doctors to request the Duac 5%, a stronger version to combat my acne. Something to note is that it is easy to get the weaker Duac but it is harder *in my experience* to be prescribed the 5%. Your doctor may refer to it as ‘benzoyl peroxide’, don’t be put off by this. It is just another term for Duac, just a far scarier name! 

Duac is full of peroxide’s, which means it combats acne (brilliantly so, may I add) but also BLEACHES and DRIES out everything! But these shouldn’t be factors that put you off sorting out your skin if you want to do so.

Below are a few basic pointers on how to have a smooth pain free experience. 

Tip #1. Stick to white.
Duac is to be used at night, however, whether you shower in the evening or the morning make sure you use white towels only. White face cloths, white hand towels.. etc.. I also wear a white mens tshirt to avoid ruining any nice Pjs I own! If you have any coloured bedding, I’d suggest laying a white towel over the pillow cases. 
Also remember to thoroughly wash your hands after application to avoid spreading any to other materials.  
Why? As mentioned earlier, Duac bleaches everything. From experience, white towels allow you to avoid all costs driving your mum crazy with bleaching her towels..

Tip #2. Less is more.
Duac need only be applied in small, small amounts. A little goes a long way. Till your skin has built up more of a tolerance use duac sparingly. Trust me, you’ll thank me later. 
Why? Duac is incredibly drying, full of peroxide’s. Not only can it dry your skin out but it can actually make it irritated and sore. Using more duac than necessary won’t speed up the results process.. in fact it’ll most likely delay it. 

Tip #3. Take a day off. 
Don’t use duac every day, it’s easy to get carried away with the results but take a day off or even two. Listen to your skin, is it sore? Is it red? At the end of the day, no one wants spots.. but no one wants dry inflamed skin either. I would suggest, 2/3 days on, 1 day off. You can expand the period of time on duac as your skin becomes used to it. 

Tip #4. Moisture, moisture, moisture!
Find yourself a sensitive moisturiser to hydrate your skin every night and morning. You cannot survive duac without a thick, creamy moisturiser. Be sure to stick to something simple or familiar as your skin will be more sensitive during the early days of using duac.

Tip #5. Oily cleansers.. your new best friends!
I use the Super Facialist Vitamin C+ brighten cleansing oil. It’s perfect for the end of the day when my skins feeling tight, and it also lays the foundations for your evening application of duac providing a moisturised, cleansed base. 

Tip #6. Use cotton buds and pads. 
Using cotton buds and pads means your less likely to spread duac via your hands. Squeezing a bit of duac onto a cotton pad also means the duac is soaked up onto the pad and able to spread further. Cotton buds allow you to pinpoint the duac onto key areas, this is good for when you days off but also a big spot that still needs a helping hand. It avoids unnecessarily drying out the other areas of your face. 

Please note that I am not a doctor. Duac is only prescribed under your doctor’s approval. 
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