So, here we go again. I guess. It’s been almost 4 years since I last blogged.
Let’s cover the basics. New year, new me?
Maybe resolution number one should be..stop being so cliche. I wish I could say new year same me..but no. Reflection is what makes us better? Of course there are things I want to change.
1. My biggest goal is fitness, I have to do it this year. Surely? With a gym loving boyfriend you’d think it’d encourage me.. all it resulted in is me practically donating £9.99 a month to a membership I never use and refuse to cancel because Mama didn’t raise a quitter!
Maybe 2018 will be the year for the gym.. I’m struggling to picture it I must admit..
2. Career. Can’t believe I’m saying that word at only 19 but yep, ditching the university route means I’ve got to get sorted. I want by this time next year to feel somewhat settled in my career path. Gahh, I’m such a middle aged woman.
3. Get back into blogging. I’ve missed it and have been for months saying ‘I’ll start again soon`. It’s not that it’s a chore, not at all. It’s just a confidence thing. But hey I’m a changed woman. I work now and I have a new template that I paid I best get my money’s worth!
4. Start saving. I need to stop spending. Aka, stop shopping on ASOS and constantly feeling the need to ‘treat’ myself. Seriously. It’s bad. Lots of posts on the ‘how to’ of saving to come, I’m sure.
So, please join me for the ride. Holly Le Rose part 2.